Saturday, January 25, 2020

Awareness And Impact In Global Warming Management Essay

Awareness And Impact In Global Warming Management Essay Earlier last month, QUTIC decided to stage an annual event to promote a sense of community at the college. This was an event to ascertain QUTIC students awareness and impact in Global Warming and promote their involvement within their community in preventing the named vice. Thereafter, a Community Event Committee was formed to decide, and organize the inaugural event and I was authorized to produce a report to inform the committees decision. The topic as espoused earlier was on the environment with a bias in Global Warming. The event planned purposed as International students awareness of and involvement in Global Warming. A survey was conducted on a sample of QUTIC students to analyze their interest and willingness to attend, participate, contribute, demonstrate, and/or perform in that event. In this paper, a discussion of the results is the main body while at the end is conclusions from the discussions and recommendations related to the same topic. Table of Contents Abstract ii Table of Contents iii List of Figures iv 1. Introduction 4 1.1 Background 4 1.2 Objectives 4 1.3 Method 4 1.4 Scope 5 1.5 Acknowledgement 5 2 Discussion and Conclusion 5 2.1 Date and time of the annual event 6 2.2 Publicity of the event 7 Participation in committees 8 Benefits gained in attending the annual event 9 2.5 Ways of motivating students to attend 10 3. Recommendations 11 4. Benefits 12 Introduction Background Global warming is a current threat to the global environment and a threat to human survival in the future (John, 2010). Awareness across the globe on global warming has dwindled with many people not having an idea of what to expect and how to handle and practices routines in curbing global warming (Huang, Pollack, Shen, 1997). Over 60% of the worlds population has contributed to global warming for lack of knowledge while the rest is ignorant to the vice (Mann, Bradley, Hughes, 1998). Educating the population on global warming is the vital part of what all institutions should do in ensuring that the activities exacerbating global warming are curbed and it is slowed down (Lachenbruch Marshall, 1986). As a result, the Queensland University of Technology International Collage (QUTIC) found it wise to hold an annual event with a bias on global warming to increase awareness of the vice. 1.2 Objectives The main rationale behind this report is discovering the level of awareness of students on the global warming topic, suggesting some solutions and recommendations. From the acquired data, the report purposes to help students develop awareness on the issue of global warming and to improve activities carried out within QUTIC and outside to curb global warming. 1.3 Method The report develop arguments from a questionnaire that contained a total of ten questions; with closed questions being 9 (dichotomous, rank-order, scale, and multiple-choice) and a single open question. The report also used a convenience sampling in the distribution of the survey questionnaire to respondents who totaled twenty QUTIC students on 5 September 2010 at Kelvin Grove campus. The distribution of the questionnaire sheets was conducted followed by the collection both done on the same day. Later followed the analysis of the collected data from the sample and finally the tallying on an Excel spreadsheet with representation in figures for instance graphs, tables, and pie charts. 1.4 Scope The scope of the survey is on 5 issues relating to the concept of global warming. The respective issues are important in finding out the level of awareness on global warming and the take that the students have on holding an annual event within the institution. Additionally, the report has major limitations including budget and time thus forcing a selection of only twenty respondents of which this is not good in representation of this large institution. With the questionnaire also having only 10 questions, this does not provide enough information that could be of help in holding such a big event. As a result, the data provided in this report is great and shows some indications; however, it cannot show precise solutions. 1.5 Acknowledgements I would like to pass my regards to all students at QUTIC for their cooperation in the data gathering process and for taking their time to fill the questionnaires. I would also extend a hand of gratitude to the institution for trusting me in delivering the report with absolute confidentiality. Above all is great appreciation to the almighty God who gave me the strength to carry on throughout the entire survey. 2. Discussion and Conclusion From the survey sample of QUTIC students who were tested through a questionnaire to analyze their interest and willingness to attend, participate, contribute, demonstrate and/or perform in that event, it was clear that the majority of the students were willing to take part in the main event particularly because they saw the importance. It was clear that many students knew what Global Warming was and had an idea of its impact on the environment. 80% of the students in the sample were willing to take part immediately and help with the publicity of the great event. 2.1 Date and time of the annual event A question was put forward in accessing the best time that the QUTIC would stage an annual event to promote a sense of community at the college. As Houghton, Jenkins Ephraums (1990) espouse, Global warming is a sensitive topic and requires ample time to discuss and educate people about. 2/3 of the respondents proposed that weekends were the best in scheduling such an event as this would give them time to participate since they were free and would have completed classes. A good portion of the sample (1/3) however, differed with the weekend proposal as they felt that this was the only time they had away from school, and most of them used it to spend with the families. The majority of this group went for nights particularly after classes. Following this, the committee made a decision that to serve the majority and have many attendants for the event; it was only wise to schedule the event on weekends particularly during the day as this was a much convenient time for the majority of the QUTIC students. 2.2 Publicity of the event Will (2004) reflected in creating awareness on global warming, publicity is of high requirement. global that Publicity was also being assessed in order for the committee to get help before they made a decision on what would be the best way to visit for QUTIC in announcing the Global Warming annual event. A comparative question posted on a questionnaire was extremely contentious. For global warming using the appropriate medium is of requirement as it helps pass the message across easily (Scotchmoor Potter, 2009). There were varied views as to the best medium to use with the committee aspiring to make a decision on the best possible medium that would reach the majority of the students and create awareness of the big event. At least, 30% of the respondents in this particular question went for the website and email as their favorites as to the best possible medium that the event would be publicized. Over 60% were strictly opposing the website and email with a big reason as to the fact that many students did not access the Internet over a long period of time and therefore, it could be an inconvenient means of reaching out to the students regarding this particular matter. This group of students responding to the question found it appropriate to use the posters and blackboard with the majority going for the blackboard. The students incline to this decision with the fact that many students had a culture of reading the blackboard as this was one of the common means, which the institution used in communicating new happenings to the students. Therefore, a more likelihood was that at least the information would reach students with ease. The posters were favored but with a negative connotation that there was a habit of removing and tearing posters of any kind around the institution dwindling its effectiveness of communicating something of that importance to the student community. 2.3 Participation in committees A question was posed on the committees that a respondent would be willing to participate in including Environment committee, Assessment committee, Supervising committee and organizing committee. The question was met with diverse responses as individual students had own reasons for choosing a particular committee. The environment committee won the majority of students who had an interest of joining. The committee took 45% of the students followed by the supervising committee with 18%, assessment committee with 22% and the least being the organizing committee holding 10%. A sizeable 5% of the respondents were undecided as they wanted to clarify further as to the roles played by the respective committees. 2.4 Benefits gained in attending the annual event Carolan (2008) asserts that pictorials and high involving activities are involved in creating awareness on global warming therefore; there are many benefits involved when it comes to learning or attending a global warming function. The questionnaire posted to students was also on a mission to look into what were the perceived benefits that students anticipated to gain from the event. Mixed reactions came out as varying opinions came up individually. However, one critical thing that featured in the argument was that learning great skills and acquiring knowledge on global warming were among the great expectations from the event. Learning new skills 20%, Socialize and make new friends 5%, Improve your English, 5%, improve your knowledge and awareness about Global Warming 60%, and other 10%. 2.5 Ways of motivating students to attend One factor was significant though on the motivational ways that the students felt that QUTIC would use in ensuring that students developed an interest to attend. However, 65% of the respondents felt that making the event entertaining and engaging entertainment activities for instance DJ, popular artists, talent show and any other creative ideas were resplendent in motivation a substantial number of students to attend. Global warming sounds so common and people usually avoid such topics which is why creating awareness requires motivating the participants in respective activities (Wilby, 2006). Practically from the survey, it was clear that one thing; students had an interest in attending a global warming event. From this point, the committee therefore, had to pick the proposals espoused by the majority of students regarding issues at the big event. The date scheduled had to fall on a weekend to ensure massive attendance, the blackboard would be the main publicity medium in use, the venue was chosen to be the city center and entertainment activities were for sure a necessity to be part of the activities during the momentous event and keep students glued and attend the event to the end. 3.0 Recommendations It was clear that the organizing committee had a significant role to play. For the event to be a success, inviting acclaimed artists to perform during the global event is necessary for entertainment purposes. The committee also needs to hire an MC with ardent zeal and fun to make the youths composed and anxious of what to expect to avoid boredom. It is also advisable that the assessment committee takes a headcount of the students reception to activities scheduled for the big event some few days probably five in order to ascertain whether they were contented and evaluate their chances of attending the monumental event. It would be advisable that the members of the committee be provided with T-shirts with labels of the successful event and a short message regarding the theme of the event preferably two months before the big event in order to draw attention and publicize the event even better. The city center also needs to be prepared two weeks before the big event with installation of everything necessary for the event keeping it ready to host the attendants early enough. This would void last-minute rushes and show some organization and build a reputation for the organization therefore, making it a classical event. Benefits The survey is of value to QUTIC as an institution in easing the education and creation of awareness on Global warming. It is a great approach as it will involve almost the entire institution therefore routines carried out will be to the benefit of a sound environment for the institution. There are therefore short-term and long-term benefits of the same making it worth holding the event within the institution. It will improve students awareness on global warming and later apply to their respective regions culminating to a global warming free globe.

Friday, January 17, 2020

A Multicultural Workplace

A Multicultural Workplace A multicultural workplace refers to a group of individuals who represent all types of human difference gathered to achieve a common goal, which is the organization or company’s mission. For some, a multicultural organization may refer to their workplace as such, due to the variation of individuals’ age, sex, ethnicity, physical abilities, and even sexual orientation. Additionally, the diversity among this workforce is likely to be considered such based on its employees racial, social and ability characteristics.The scope of diversity within an organization should go beyond the personal characterizes listed here. The scope of diversity within an organization should include the way an organization responds to their multicultural workforce. The times of suppressing cultural differences, which forced individuals to sacrifice parts of their heritage in order to obtain gainful employment, is becoming outdated. Today, conforming to the majority cultur e of this western society is becoming less and less of an issue, and thankfully so.Originally, multicultural initiatives, beginning in the late 1960’s, where associated with race and gender. Today, all differences are encompassed in organization based multicultural or diversity programs with the expectation that all employees become cultural competent and embrace cultural awareness. That is if an organization has created such programs. At Milwaukee Center for Independence (MCFI), multicultural and diversity programs do exist. The organization has created a climate of cultural inclusion, incorporating genuine value for diversity within the workplace and among employees.The organizations diversity initiatives are strengthened by annual culture training, communication, a Diversity Team, and mentoring programs for both internal clients and staff and throughout the community. Cultural training courses are conducted annually for each department within the organization. In addition, MCFI conducts a â€Å"Cultures Week† event each year in celebration of culture and diversity reaching out to all employees and the community. The vision of the MCFI Diversity Team and the agency as a whole is to â€Å"be the benchmark of diversity and inclusion among nonprofit agencies in Southeastern Wisconsin.MCFI will be the organization from which clients want to receive services, for which funders want to provide support, where vendors want to do business and employees see diverse opportunities† (MCFI, 2012). The team’s goals include a commitment to understanding what diversity is and its impact on the workplace and the community (MCFI, 2012). The Diversity Team also works to increase appreciation for richness, which is brought by different attitudes, skills sets, abilities, approaches, and perspectives, as well as promoting cooperation and an understanding of and among individuals of diverse backgrounds.Communication tools have also been created for great er understanding and knowledge of diversity through innovative and creative management. MCFI and the Diversity Team collaborate with other community agencies and businesses throughout the Milwaukee area to spread an understanding of diversity and the vision of MCFI (MCFI, 2012). The managerial principles behind the Milwaukee Center for Independence Diversity Team include members that represent a cross-section of the organization, which is structured to reflect the agency wide culture.In addition, the Diversity Team and its Director, Al Hill, have developed tracking systems to watch and ensure the progress of the agency and team mission, vision, and goals, such as the community outreach programs. Further, the team stays linked with key agency internal and external functions, such as within Human Resources, communication, and training and development team’s agency wide. MCFI was recognized for its achievements in the area of diversity within the workforce. MCFI won the 2009 Awa rd of Excellence from the Wisconsin Association of Equal Opportunity.In addition, MCFI was honored with the 2010 Wisconsin State Society for Human Resource Management’s Workplace Diversity Award. MCFI goes far beyond mere diversity training, expanding to the creation of an inclusive work environment. MCFI’s dedication to diversity in the workplace encourages creative thinking. The agencies clients and employees represent a full spectrum of ages, disabilities, education levels, ethnicities, religions, experiences, sexual orientation, gender, opinions, beliefs, and races.MCFI considers diversity as not just a moral obligation, but visions it as imperative to the success of the organization, which is reaching as many individuals and families with special needs as possible. The MCFI Diversity Team includes internal employees as well as individuals from its affiliates and community agencies. The main objective of MCFI and the Diversity Team is to be the main point of refere nce for inclusion and diversity among non-profit agencies throughout the immediate and outlying communities.Additional visions of MCFI are to be the premier agency for client, vender, and employee choice in regards to services, business affiliation, and employment opportunity. I am confident in saying that MCFI is an excellent place to feel welcome, allowing myself and others to express their individuality. MCFI also allows each employee and client to learn about what makes others different, yet similar, and supporting the acceptance of all human difference. One of the positive impacts of MCFI diversity initiatives is the opportunity given to everyone to see things from different perspectives.Their voice and perspectives are heard in a safe, nonjudgmental, and bias free environment. Working with others with different attitudes, beliefs, and values provide an outstanding opportunity to expand individual knowledge, which only assists to better service the clients of the agency. Along with increased diversity comes an increase in different perspectives providing unique viewpoints for problem solving as well as co-worker and client interaction. At times, there may be barriers in effectively creating a diverse workplace.It is essential to incorporate diversity programs into the company or organizations strategic plan. Further, diversity training should also be tied into a company’ vision, goals, and objectives. In order to execute diversity training and awareness successfully, an organization or company must clearly communicate the main objectives of diversity training; establish a means of reinforcement and metrics to measure the effectiveness. In addition, a company or organization must include both minority and majority groups in strategic planning and implementation of a diversity program.I have seen and read much information on diversity and cultural training within the organization I am employed. The organization keeps its employees engaged in diversit y training throughout the year. Monthly conferences are available on site to all internal staff and community guests. Conferences include topics such as the understanding of specific types of behavioral health issues and disabilities. Additionally, guest speakers come throughout Hispanic, African American, and Hmong Culture Awareness months. The opportunities to engage in and open up to awareness of different cultures at MCFI are endless.Issues and problems within the diverse workplace of MCFI are handled with an understanding that individuals are different. Employees of the organization are single mothers and fathers, individuals with disabilities, student’s health issues, and all from different religious, ethnic, cultural, and racial backgrounds and heritage. I have personal experience issues that I needed to address with management. As a full time student and a full time employee, who believe in the importance of family and work/life balance, the organization listened to m y need for time off and alternate schedules to accommodate my life.Flexibility in the work place also allows for such things as difference cultural rituals and holiday celebrations that are outside the norm of western culture. I believe it is crucial for companies and organizations to consider an individual’s differences to allow for some flexibility concerning individual culture differences and life changes. With that, employees remain happy in the work place and continue to work toward the company's mission and continue to be a productive team member. References MCFI. (2012). Diversity mission and vision. Retrieved from http://www. mcfi. net/MCFI-Diversity/Mission-Vision. htm

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Analysis Of The Narrative The Of The Farm - 915 Words

Sylvia is the protagonist of the narrative. From her name alone one can gather that she is a very rural girl, her name meaning woodsy. She is a young, nine year old girl, previously from a busy manufacturing town who moves in with her grandmother to a calm, peaceful farm. Sylvia has a true bond with nature and â€Å"it seemed as if she never had been alive at all before she came to live at the farm† (Jewett 527). Her youth and love for nature make Sylvia such an innocent girl who does not have to experience society since she is protected by the farm. The farm is her safe haven, where she can be independent and truly be one with nature. Although she is marginalized since she is poor, a girl, and less focused on the outside society, she finds happiness in being excluded. The narrative takes place in a rural community where Sylvia and her grandmother live that represents their independence, womanhood, and peace. Their community is made up of women, and it is very calm. Sylvia in this community finds peace compared to her old home in the manufacturing city she states, â€Å"this was a beautiful place to live in† and that â€Å"she never should wish to go home† (Jewett 527). In her new home Sylvia also found that she had independence and freedom, she had all the time in the world to wander. Often times Sylvia would go out and explore her community, â€Å"there was never such a child for straying about out-doors since the world was made† (Jewett 527). Sylvia and her grandmother have such a peacefulShow MoreRelatedCold Blood1139 Words   |  5 PagesIn the non-fiction novel In Cold Blood, Truman Capote (1965) gives his own narrative of the Holcomb tragedy in which a family of four living out on a secluded farm were slaughtered with a shotgun by the collaboration of two individuals for a seemingly few dollars. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Lowering The Rate Of Diabetes Essay - 969 Words

The rate of diabetes is growing rapidly because people are getting into the habit of eating sugary foods at a young age. According to Rosemary Ferguson, a nutritionist, in the past 15 years the numbers of Americans diagnosed with diabetes has doubled to an estimate of 23.6 million. Since 2012, around 31.8 percent of children have been diagnosed either overweight or obese (â€Å"Obesity Rates †¦.†). Where students are getting unhealthy food is mostly in their school’s vending machines. It’s hard enough for parents to guide their children’s food choices, and it is impossible if the schools are peddling junk food throughout the day (â€Å"School Vending Machine†¦.†). Instead of a vending machine that has sugary snacks and sodas, schools should decrease the availability of sweets. One of the reasons why students are getting into the habit of eating junk food is because parents are not telling them no. Students buy these sugary snacks fr om vending machines daily because there are few healthier choices. Schools should increase those better choices, such as fruits, vegetables, and drinks with less sugar. Starting at a young age, if children don’t take care of how much sugary food they are eating, their chances of having diabetes will grow even more. Reuben Rayala is a high school lunch lady, who sent a letter to USA Today about an article titled, â€Å"Health Movement has School Cafeterias in a Food Fight.† She wrote about many students bringing breakfast sandwiches, similar toShow MoreRelatedNew Diagnostic Tool or Intervention for the Treatment of Diabetes1023 Words   |  4 Pagestool or intervention for the treatment of diabetes-A2071691 Description of the intervention Interventions used in treatment of type 2 diabetes should be those that improve the probability that the patient will have better long term control of diabetes. 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